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- Dr. Stephen R. Covey, Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
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Ways Small Businesses Can Compete with Big Brand Businesses

Small businesses often find themselves competing with big brand businesses that have substantial resources and market presence. While it may seem like an uphill battle, there are effective strategies and tactics that small businesses can employ to not only survive but thrive in this competitive landscape. In this blog post, we’ll explore some key ways …


Mr. Levine has spoken about his best-selling book to major corporations including Nordstrom, Reader’s Digest among others. Mr. Levine is also the only person ever invited to speak at Harvard and Oxford University who never attended even one day of college.

Bill Gates was so impressed with the Broken Windows, Broken Business theory that he invited author Michael Levine to speak at his leadership conference in San Diego for his twenty top team leaders.
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Once every few years a book comes along with an insight so penetrating, so powerful – and so simply, demonstrably true -that it instantly
changes the way we think and do business. Such a book is Broken Windows, Broken Business, a breakthrough in management theory
that can alter the destiny of countless companies striving to stay ahead of their competition.

"I first heard about this book while reading another book. I thought the principle was interesting. This book hits a grand slam, everything starts with something small and then builds upon something greater. Michael Levine shows how ignoring one small bad thing can/will often lead to a bigger problem. A must have."
Mustafa Tair Mumin
"My boss suggested this as a "life changing business read." He was so right. I can look at so many aspects of the job and know that they need correcting with this book. It's a whole new outlook."
Mavis Anguiano
"Throughout his riveting narrative, Levine cites hundreds of workplace situations which send "signals that no one is watching." At least not consciously, perhaps, but many of them are absorbed and retained in the subconscious mind."
Robert Morris

Has the Broken Windows Theory made an impact in your business? Have you begun the process of repairing and replacing the Broken Windows within your business? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Take a minute to share with use what’s working, and how we may be able to help.